New Mom Musts
I loved being a new mom, but man, it was HARD. There’s no question. You’ve got a beautiful new baby. You’re all hopped up on hormones. You haven’t slept a wink. And your body? Well everything is weird. Like, really weird. But there are a few new mom musts that can help.
First, know you’re not alone.
Yep. It seems simple but there are times when you feel like you are ALONE. The feeling comes at weird times. Like the very, absolute middle of the night. When the baby is crying and it feels like you are the only person in the world up. Or in the middle of the day when you’re staring at this quiet little person feeling line no one has ever felt this way before. And suddenly you’re crying for no reason other than the baby is perfect and you made him or her. You’re not alone. I get you. Just as other moms got me. Take a deep breath. You’ve got this.
Don’t worry about the mess.
Momming is messy work. The day sprints by and you wonder where time has gone. Spills, stains and messes are status quo with a little one on your hands. Plus, there’s the you know – the poosplosion. There. I said it. I’m going to give you one of my favourite mom tips. OxiClean™ Multi-Purpose Baby Stain Remover. I swear by this stuff. From those early “onesie off from the top down” days to the current potty training woes, this 100 per cent dye and chlorine-free Powder and Spray to be gentle on your baby’s washables while being tough on your messiest baby stains. Seriously – it works.
Schedule Some Down Time
I’m not the best at this one, but I try, because I know what happens when you put everyone else first. Nobody wins. I urge you to carve out some time that’s just for you. Between feeding, changing diapers and lulling your baby to sleep, you may find yourself emotionally and physically exhausted. So squeeze out a few minutes. Baby in the bouncy seat? The swing? Napping? Do a little something you love. Read a mag or paint you nails. Catch up with a friend. Drink a tea…while it’s hot. Even just 10 minutes for yourself will make a huge difference.
‘Scuse you, Baby
I recently spent half the night up with a crying 3 year old. And then, after 2 hours – two witching hours – the culprit for the late night disruption revealed itself. In a few long, and I mean looooonnngggg toots. Yep. She kept the house up over toots. I lost a night of sleep over gas. I should have known. A gassy tummy has plagued her since the NICU. Back in the early days, we used all the gas relieving tricks. We kept her upright, massaged her belly and hoped. But there were times we needed a little more help. One of her NICU caregivers recommended swore by Ovol® Drops. We used them often. They provide gentle and fast relief of colic, bloating or gas by helping to break up gas bubbles to relieve discomfort caused by trapped gas – making it easier for a baby to pass gas and burp at feeding time.
Get plenty of rest
You’re tired. I know, you are tired. So tired. I’m still tired. A shift in your sleeping pattern, or overall lack of sleep, can be hard. It can be traumatically hard. If your baby likes to nap in the morning, nap with them! Forget the chores. Abandon the home cooked meals. Ditch that picture of supermom you have in your head. Just rest. Try to sleep. If you can’t sleep, just breathe. Even if you’re not actually sleeping, enjoying the downtime will give you a boost. See point two for some ideas.
Soothe Teething Gums
Crying, drooling and tears can make teething quite the ordeal – for you and the baby. Gently rubbing your baby’s gums can help to ease your baby’s discomfort. Try a chilled washcloth or teething ring to soothe the pain. If your baby is especially cranky, try using an homeopathic remedy like Baby Orajel™ Naturals Nighttime Teething Gel. With the soothing power of Chamomilla (commonly known as Chamomile or magic) and passion flower, this product helps to relieve teething pain and discomfort and calm the restlessness that comes from teething so that your baby can get a good night’s rest.
Getting back in the game
And by game, I mean, you know, GAME. I’m just going to throw this one out there for when you’re ready. Many women experience vaginal dryness after childbirth. So grown up time doesn’t seem quite as fun as you remember. (It’s ok, we’ve all been there). That doesn’t mean you have to give up on getting close. Water based lube like Trojan™ H2O can help get you back in the game. Water-based lubricants with hyaluronic moisturizer (which locks in up to 1000x more moisture and hydration), let you enjoy alone time with your partner without having to think about all the things that, you know, happened down there.
Don’t worry, you won’t need new mom musts for long. You’ll still feel alone at times, let the mess go, deal with gas, feel oh so tired, manage dental issues (Hello Tooth Fairy) and wo–nder if things will ever be like they were before kids. But you’ll also belong to the best club in the world.
Welcome to Momdom.
To help you take care of everything else happening at home, we’re giving away some essentials for keeping the rest of the family clean and fresh – cause you know, when there’s a baby to snuggle, the laundry sometimes has to wait.
- Arm & HammerTM Plus OxiCleanTM Cold Water Power Paks
- OxiCleanTM HD Liquid Laundry Detergent
- Arm & HammerTM Baking Soda
- Arm & HammerTM SpinbrushTM battery powered toothbrush The Ultimate Spider-Man TM
- OrajelTM Spider-ManTM Anticavity Fluoride Toothpaste
Total Value: Approx. $35

Melanie from writes about parenting, food, neat stuff and the unexpected beauty in life, all while juggling work, family life and spreading awareness and raising funds for Williams Syndrome.
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