“As soon as I saw you I knew an Adventure was going to happen” – Winnie the Pooh
Why a Baby Carrier is a MUST HAVE for me
Having babies and raising children is one of life’s biggest adventures. Finding my balance with three kids has been tricky. Fulfilling everyone’s needs simultaneously feels like a juggling act. Some days fly past in the blink of any eye, the kids are all happy, and I think to myself “I’ve totally got this!” While other days drag on, with everyone whining a lot and crying for seemingly no reason. Those are the days I wonder what I am doing.
Jake and I love the outdoors. We both grew up playing outside all the time, being in nature, and getting dirty. So far, our kids are following right in our footsteps. There is absolutely no doubt about it, my kids are happier on days they get to spend lots of time outside.
With a new baby, getting the whole clan outdoors even for a simple hike involves some advanced planning. I am a stickler for routines, especially when it comes to sleep. Trying to find a perfect time of day to line up naps, routines & get the kids outdoors can seem like a real puzzler. The solution that I keep coming back to is to wear the baby!
Why I Love Wearing the Baby
I love baby wearing: the closeness, the snuggles, the free hands to get stuff done! It’s the best. The older two, Allie & Emily can run wild in the yard, we can go for a walk, or head out to the park. Lindsay can snuggle in and nap in the baby carrier on my front.
In the summer, with the temperatures in the upper 20-30C, it can get hot! This is why I am loving the newest Onya Baby carrier: the PURE. This baby carrier is different than any of the others I have had (and I have had a few). the PURE features a centre panel on the front that can roll up exposing a super breathable mesh.
On our summer ventures outside, this is a huge benefit to keeping both myself and Lindsay comfortable. It also provides more peace of mind, not having to worry as much about Lindsay overheating. Since the panel can roll down & zip in place, it also provides a warmer carrier when the weather cools off. It’s pretty ingenious if you ask me.
Using the PURE in the front carry position, you can wear the straps crossing over in the back instead of using the chest clip across your shoulders. I find this way more comfortable and love that I don’t have to try to buckle the chest clip behind me. It has also a double secure buckle, that has a two stage release. For me, this means my little helpers are not going to suddenly unbuckle the baby carrier while Lindsay is in it.
Flipping to the Backpack Carrier for Teething Toddlers
When my kids are upset, they need physical contact to feel comforted. With three young kids, this is easier said that done. I would love to sit and cuddle my kids every time they need me. The reality is, life goes on: meals need to be made, laundry needs to be done, cleaning needs to happen. Some of these things cannot be done when there is a crying child at your leg. Solution: wear them!
My toddler, Emily has been spending a lot of time on my back in the baby carrier lately. Onya Baby’s the PURE has been my go-to for wearing Emily lately. She is cutting more teeth (first set of molars followed immediately by incisors) and this always makes her extra irritable. She will cling to my leg and repeatedly ask to be picked up, collapsing in a ball of sadness and tears at my feet if I don’t oblige. Being able to put her on in the baby carrier has been a sanity saver – plus I get lots of dinners cooked, laundry folded, and dishes washed. If she happens to doze off, she easily transfers to her crib for a nap.
Wearing For The Win
Life can get pretty crazy with these kids. Wearing the baby or the toddler makes everyone happier, provides comfort, and I get to enjoy all the cuddles. I highly recommend you invest in a baby carrier and start wearing your baby from day one. Onya Baby’s the PURE is an extremely versatile and comfortable carrier, and I recommend you check it out at your local Mountain Equipment Coop soon.
I have partnered with Born To Be Adventurous and Onya Baby, and received compensation for this post. All opinions in this post are my own.

I am a busy mom to 3 kids, so my days are typically filled with tea parties & story books, singing & dancing, crafts (for as long as a 3yo’s attention span will allow) & cuddles. All the while trying to keep up with laundry & cleaning & meals (we have PB&J sandwiches for dinner more often than I’ll ever admit). The days (& weeks, & months) seem to speed past so I try to soak up as much as I can each day.
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