No-Mess Easter Crafts for Kids
If you’re a follower of our site then you are familiar with the fact that my kid hates mess. She detests having anything yucky on her hands. Paint is definitely out of the question. Glue is usually a no-no as well. Finding new crafts for her can be very difficult as a result. If she had her way, she would colour all day, every day. A handful of crayons and a blank sheet of paper are just fine by her but I like her to explore other crafts. Here are some Easter crafts that were a big hit with Miss O. I hope your non-mess-loving kid enjoys them as much as she did.
Stained Glass Easter Egg
Contact paper + tissue paper = delight for my child. The contact paper stickiness doesn’t bother her simply because the sticky remains on the paper, not on her hands. These are two craft supplies that can be applied to just about any season, holiday or event.
Cut two equal rectangular pieces of contact paper roughly the size you’d like your egg to end up. Place one piece on a flat surface, sticky side up. Tape it down with painter’s tape. Cut up some little squares of tissue paper in a variety of Easter colours – we opted for pink, lilac, light blue and a bright green. Let your little one put the squares of tissue all over the piece of contact paper.
Once they are happy with their work of art, remove the tape and lay the other piece of contact paper on top, sticky sides facing each other. Next, cut and egg shape out. I did a freehand egg but you can also use a template if you prefer.
Punch a hole in the top of the egg and hang from a suction cup hook or a piece of ribbon or string in your window.
E is for Easter Sticker Art
Why do little girls love stickers so much? I don’t have a little boy so I’m not sure if they feel the same way. Grandma always has a stash of stickers in her purse for Miss O. I try to limit stickers to outside the house only; however, this still backfires. I found a Dora sticker stuck to the inside my coat the other day. Once the stickers come out, it’s mayhem. One thing I learned through this craft was that I need to limit the stickers and not simply hand her 3 giant sheets full of them. When I tried to take them away, a meltdown ensued. Aside from the meltdown, this craft was incredibly quick and easy to prepare and we learned all about the letter E!
Cut the letter E from a sheet of construction paper. I free-handed this as a capital E is pretty simple especially if you locate your mid-point on the right-hand edge of the page. Give the kids a stack of Easter stickers and let them decorate the E as they wish. Have them tell you what is on the stickers if they can; otherwise, teach them what is on the stickers. We had a selection of egg, flower, bunny and chick stickers from the dollar store.
Younger kids may fare better with puffy, more solid stickers as opposed to lightweight paper stickers. Ours were like giant bubbles and Miss O had just as much fun choosing a sticker and plucking it from the page as she did decided on a place to stick it.
Foam Sticker Eggs
I went to the local dollar store and found a kit with egg shapes and various decorative stickers. As I mentioned above, any craft involving stickers is a huge hit with Miss O. This time I learned to limit the decorative stickers to a select few at a time – just enough to decorate each egg.
All you need for this craft are some foam egg shapes (these can be found either at your local craft store or else you can cut your own from foam sheets) and some foam stickers. My kit came with various squiggles and dots. You can easily make your own from adhesive foam sheets. Let the kids decorate them to their heart’s content. If you decorate enough of them, you can make a garland from them!
Handprint Sheep
White glue is the stuff nightmares are made of for Miss O (after paint that is). Crafts involving glue sticks tend to go over somewhat better pending she doesn’t actually have to touch the glue. Using cotton balls to adorn our little sheep is a great way to use glue without getting messy.
Using a piece of black construction paper and a pencil, have your child trace their hand (you may have to help them if they are younger). It will look best if the thumb is way out to the side and the four fingers are evenly spaced. Cut out the hand shape, making it circular at the wrist for the top of your sheep.
Next, put glue all over the body portion of your sheep and let the kids go to town putting cotton balls all over it! Once that is finished, use a white or silver crayon or marker (we used a silver Sharpie) to draw little hooves and a face. Voila!
Easter Colouring Book
When Miss O is in a mood, I pull out the colouring books. I decided to make her an Easter colouring book so I could use colouring as a learning experience. It’s pretty easy to find Easter colouring books at your local dollar store but I wanted to cater it to Miss O by including some of her favourite characters as well.
All you need to make your own colouring book is a printer and a duo-tang or binder. A quick Google search for Easter coloring pages will garner you an endless stream of adorable pages to print. I saved the images to my computer and popped them into a Word file, ensuring each image filled the page. Here are two sites with a collection of cute pictures: Marshmallow Peeps Coloring Pages and Easter Coloring Pages. I decided to add a cover page as my duo-tangs are clear.
This is a great craft before Easter but also a nice non-candy addition to an Easter basket with a new box of crayons. For more no-candy ideas, check out this collection!
Hop on over to our Pinterest for even more Easter craft ideas!
Follow The Inspired Home's board Easter on Pinterest.
Looking for more great crafts, activities, and foods to celebrate Easter? Check these out.
Next, check out our ideas for Easter Baskets for Outdoor Kids.

Andrea can always be found with a new craft in front of her, a form of technology on her right and a coffee on her left. This is how she survives suburbia with her two crazy toddlers in tow.
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