I’m a self-professed geek girl. Heck, I run a website! I married a computer genius (my term, not his) and we are always surrounded by the latest forms of technology. I use technology in pretty much every facet of my life. So why wouldn’t I use something fun at the gym?
The three main tools in my arsenal are my Apple Watch and my iPhone and my headphones. I will freely admit that if I forget my headphones, I will turn around and go home. Why, you ask? Simply put: I need to listen to something while I work out. While there are TVs at GoodLife Fitness, my local gym, there is no sound unless you plug in some headphones to your cardio equipment. There are subtitles on most of them but if you’re running full-tilt on that treadmill, it can be a little difficult to read tiny words on a screen. I like the freedom to listen to music on my iPhone or the televisions depending on my mood.
The iPhone is also handy if I have some TV shows to catch up on. I download the latest episode of my current obsession before I leave the house and it’s ready for me to watch. It’s a small screen but when mounted on the little ledge on the cardio equipment, it’s nice and close.
My Apple Watch is not a necessity but it’s always on my wrist so I like to make use of it while working out. The Activity app monitors my basic exercise & calories but the Workout app is also very useful. You can set your goals for a number of different activities from elliptical to treadmill to rower. You can also choose from indoor or outdoor activities which is helpful on those nice sunny fall days where you decide to hit the trails. Have you found a great third-party app for your Apple Watch? I’d love to hear about it!
There are so many forms of technology that can be put the use at the gym. Maybe you have a Fitbit like Holly. Perhaps the iPad is more your style so you have a bigger screen for watching TV shows or movies. There are so many apps available nowadays to help you pinpoint your exact fitness goals. Although I haven’t used it myself, I know Nike+ is a popular app, especially for runners. My husband uses Runtastic Push Ups to help him work his way to 100 pushups. They also offer apps for Sit Ups, Squats and Six Pack Abs Workout. Download yourself some new apps and see what works for you.
Here’s a few ideas of topics to search for:
- Yoga poses
- Pilates moves
- Excellent stretches
- Personal trainer
- Fitness trackers
- Weight loss monitoring
- Calorie counters – try both with fitness and with food
Have you found a fantastic app that makes your workouts more enjoyable? How do you use technology at the gym to benefit your health and wellness? I’m always looking for some new way to embrace technology. I love being one of the geek girls at the gym!
This post was written as part of the GoodLife Fitness Blogger Ambassador Program; however, all opinions expressed are my own.

Andrea can always be found with a new craft in front of her, a form of technology on her right and a coffee on her left. This is how she survives suburbia with her two crazy toddlers in tow.
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