It’s simple to throw a few bags of candy into an Easter basket for the kids. Why not spruce it up? Felt is so incredibly easy to work with – it’s become one of my favourite mediums. Try making these felt carrot goodie bags to hold those treats. Your older kids might even want to make some for giving Easter sweets to their friends or their younger siblings. I made these ones for my three young cousins. They receive chocolate and treats from a number of family members so I have put a handful of foil-covered eggs and bunnies into each felt carrot as a small gift for each of them. I will also be making one for Miss O filled with Annie’s Cheddar Bunnies. To keep the crumbs from gathering in the felt, I will insert a clear plastic disposable pastry bag before pouring in the crackers. You could also use a freezer bag. There are plenty of other no-candy items you can include in the felt carrots – you can find a number of ideas here and here.
Felt Carrot Goodie Bags
Items Required
- Two (2) sheets of orange felt per carrot
- Orange or tan-coloured thread for sewing machine or embroidery floss for hand-sewing
- Wide green ribbon
- Ruler
- Marker
- Pinking shears (optional)
Lay one sheet of felt on top of the other. Find the centre of the short edge of the felt. Using your ruler and marker, draw a straight line from the centre point to each of the upper corners to mark your triangular carrot shape. Cut through both pieces of felt at once along these lines using pinking shears or regular scissors.
If using a sewing machine, sew a seam down the two longer sides of the carrot. Ensure you backstitch at the top of each edge to make it secure when the kids are tearing out all the goodies contained within. If hand-sewing, use 2 or 3 strands of floss and sew the sides using your stitch of choice – a backstitch will hold up the best but doesn’t not look the nicest on the back. A tighter whipstitch may be your best bet – I would recommend a straight edge if using this stitch as opposed to the jagged edge left by pinking shears.
Once you have finished sewing the carrot, fill with goodies. When selecting a length of ribbon, I prefer to leave it on the roll until I determine approximately how much ribbon will be needed to tie a nice bow – it’s probably much more than you think! To learn how to tie a nice bow, I followed this tutorial found on YouTube. Once my bow is complete, I like to make nice points on the tails of the bow. To do this, simply fold the end of the ribbon in half and cut a line from the outer corner up about one inch to the inner seam to cut out a triangle. To keep your ribbon from fraying simply use a lighter to lightly singe the edge. Be careful to keep the flame away from the felt.
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Looking for more great crafts, activities, and foods to celebrate Easter? Check these out.
Sticking with the carrot theme, next you can Make a No Candy Easter Carrot Treat Bag in 5 Minutes!

Andrea can always be found with a new craft in front of her, a form of technology on her right and a coffee on her left. This is how she survives suburbia with her two crazy toddlers in tow.
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