Hello everyone! My name is Crystal Allen and I am so excited to be guest posting on The Inspired Home today! Thank you Holly and Andrea for inviting me!
My regular gig is as the publisher and creative director at Hello Creative Family. At Hello Creative Family we believe that creative parents raise creative kids, but often grownups lose their creative selves when they get married and have babies. We want to reignite that creativity so that our readers can raise their kids in a handmade, homemade, heart-made home.
One of the things that I love about handmade is how everything you produce can be 100% customized and personalized. I have a 7 year old daughter named Bean who I absolutely adore. I wish that I was more like her. Bean knows what she likes, is her own person and isn’t afraid to stand out from the crowd. You’ll often find her with colorful knee high socks pulled up over her jeggings, a tulle skirt over her pants and her pink and purple highlighted hair pulled into Punky Brewster style pig tails. I do everything I can to support her creative spirit and encourage her to express herself.
I recently brought home a card for Bean created by Hello Tosha that features the famous William Shakespeare quote “Though she be but little, she is fierce”. Bean loved the sentiment behind the quote– she’s an itty bitty kiddo, but boy, she is one tough cookie! She hung the card above her bed and read the quote aloud every single night. After a few weeks she started to question the Shakespearian language. “I wish it said ‘Even though she is little, she is fierce’, Mommy. I don’t really understand the ‘but’ in there.”
I explained to my kiddo all about Shakespearean language, and then decided to surprise her with a piece of wall art in her bedroom with a revised “Bean-ean” version of the quote. I hope that you like this project! I created downloadable versions of the quote with both the Shakespeare version and the Bean version.
DIY Customized Wall Art – Though She Be But Little, She Is Fierce
- 12 inch by 12 inch square framed canvas (I bought mine at Michael’s. I also sometimes buy canvases at my local dollar store)
- 15 inch by 15 inch piece of your favorite fabric (The fabric I used in this project was Out To Sea Mermaid Play, designed by Sarah Jane for Michael Miller Fabrics)
- Download of the Shakespeare version of the quote or the Bean version of the quote
- Printable fabric (I love the printable fabric from Cricut)
- Spray adhesive and/or staple gun
Print your quote on the printable fabric and cut to size.
Lay your fabric over the canvas to determine positioning. Affix the quote to the fabric. (With the Cricut printable fabric you peel of the backing and stick it to the fabric.)
Following the directions on the bottle, spray the spray adhesive on the canvas. Lay fabric over the canvas and smooth away any wrinkles. (Alternatively if you don’t have spray adhesive, stretch fabric over canvas, smooth away wrinkles and proceed to next step.)
Fold over edges and staple or glue to the back of the frame of the canvas.
Hang your new customized art on the wall and enjoy!
Crystal has also created a 10 Minute DIY Wall Art For a Boy! Head over to Hello Creative Family to get the full tutorial.

Crystal is the publisher & creative director of Hello Creative Family, a website that inspires parents to get creative so they can raise their kids in a handmade, homemade, heart-made home! Mom to two, crafty girl, bookworm & professional tea drinker, Crystal hoards colored sharpies, fabric and mason jars. Her life motto is- Live life creatively!
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