Have you ever wondered how tall will i be or how tall your little one will be? Here’s your (best guess) answer! Use the child height predictor tool below to come out with a predicted height!
Factors that Determine Height
There are a number of factors that can determine the height of your child. Below are many of them, followed by a fun video describing many of the factors.
Scientific American says that about “60 to 80 percent of the difference in height between individuals is determined by genetic factors.” The reality is that the height of a person’s natural parents has a huge impact on the height of the child. So if you are ever wondering “How Tall Will I be?”…. look to your parents’ height as a major determining factor. However, this still leaves 20-40% of the factors determining height as environmental.
2. Gender
Males tend to be slightly taller than females on average, due to females having two X chromosomes and boys entering puberty later than girls.
3. Health Affects
Healthy individuals tend to also grow taller. In addition, many specific medical conditions do inhibit growth in a child.
4. Exercise
Physical activity can aid in the growth and health of a child.
5. Nutrition
Nutrition is one of the biggest non-genetic factors in height development. Focusing on children’s nutrition is something that will pay off, not only for height, but for overall health.
6. Posture
Not only can good posture itself literally add height, but in children can affect growth by placing only the necessary and proper tension and force on one’s discs.
7. Stress
High levels of stress in children has been associated with slowdowns in growth.
8. Other
There are other possible growth determining factors, such as getting good sleep, hormone levels, and many have to do with the 7 categories above. You may want to check out this cool Neuman & Neuman video on what determines height for a better understanding:
The tool above typically yields an answer within a 3 inch variation, which can either be significant or insignifcant depending on the purposes.

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