Felt Popsicles
We’re still working on our colours, just like a couple weeks ago. Mr J seems to be very interested in them currently, so we’re following his lead!
I was included in a busy bag exchange with a group of ladies who are fast becoming my mama circle. This was great news because more activities is never a bad thing, and mama friends, ditto. The talented felt artiste Miss T made these ones and was kind enough to let me share them with you.
Each popsicle has a felt top, and a tongue depressor. Each tongue depressor is labelled with the name of the colour & coloured with the colour too (works for readers & non-readers a like).
Make Your Own
The Work
The work I showed Mr J was to match the coloured sticks with the coloured tops. He was able to complete that successfully.
He already knows the colours – blue (his favourite), green, red, pink. He is currently working on the difference between black & brown, yellow (hard to say), orange, purple. Pink seems to be his favourite colour of the week. Mr J totally delights in when Miss P is wearing it and frequently will poke at her yelling, “Mommy! Pink! Pink!”
Mr J lined up the popsicle sticks on the table and talked about the colours this way also form the little colour blocks. He was quite proud of himself for getting each one correct.
4 Bonus Activities with Felt Popsicles
- Texture for Babies: The felt has nice soft texture that babies love to explore in sensory play. We let Miss P have one and she loved it.
- Get Your Ice Cream: Play ice cream man, let fans buy the ice creams. Supply a few small coins for purchasing.
- Consider More Puzzles: Consider using the non-coloured side of the popsicle stick for a simple matching puzzle to use for when colour matching time is over.
- Pairs: With a little velcro, make your popsicle a double-stick (just like regular ones), and have your child match the colour halves together.
What’s your favourite colour matching or busy bag activity lately?

a passionate recreation coordinator by day, crazy farm mama of two by night. i live outdoors: growing my own food, camping and hiking with my border collie with two active kids in tow. when I’m not writing, I’m experimenting with recipes, and crafts – or anything else that might keep the monkeys entertained.
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