So your kid loves nothing more than emptying the tissue box for you. Or perhaps she prefers the baby wipes? Regardless, neither of those things are cheap and their intended purpose is definitely not to entertain your child. Here’s where you come in: time to be crafty. And by crafty I mean in the sneaky sense, not necessarily in the Martha sense.
I’m sure you’ve got an empty baby wipes box kicking around. Perhaps you stock up on the Huggies baby wipes at Costco and you have a giant pile of empty baby wipes boxes that you keep telling yourself you’ll do something with someday. Well here’s an idea for you!
Take an empty baby wipes box. Fill it with baby washcloths (come on, you know you have 80 of those useless tiny things). Give the box to your child. Voila! Tidy entertainment for your kid, one less baby wipes box in your craft closet (or is it a crap closet?) and a use for all those ridiculous washcloths. Now I can’t guarantee that your little whirlwind will be entertained by this for more than 10 minutes but that’s enough time to go hide all the tissue boxes.
My $0.02
If you are using a Huggies baby wipes box, the opening is rubber. Rubber + fabric washcloths = difficulty for little hands. I’m not familiar with other brands as I’ve only ever used Huggies. I decided to rip all of the rubber off. It came off quite easily by tearing it off; however, once removed you are left with a hard plastic edge. It’s not likely to slice a little finger off but it’s not overly comfortable for a little hand to pull out a washcloth. I never did anything to the edge. Olivia still plays with it and I have never seen her wince. In hindsight I would have used scissors to cut the hole large enough to stick a hand in but enough to protect that hard edge.

Andrea can always be found with a new craft in front of her, a form of technology on her right and a coffee on her left. This is how she survives suburbia with her two crazy toddlers in tow.
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