Sneaking in me-time when you have no time
Summer is busy, busy. Sneaking in me-time when you have no time is a serious challenge. Between getting the kids to camp, getting everything I need to do done and living up to the thought of the “best summer ever” is seriously limiting time for me.
What’s a mom to do?
Finding me-time is vitally important. But I do what most of us Mom’s do. I put everyone else first – until my health, both physical and mental are pushed to the limit. Which isn’t helping anyone. Here are a few ways I’ve tried to find to sneak in a little me-time.
Make quiet time your time
We have ‘quiet time’ a lot. I admit is usually when I’m at the end of my rope and find myself saying “that’s it, it’s quiet time” in a voice that’s not quiet at all. Lately I’ve been calling quiet time during peaceful moments – extending the peace for 30 minutes when everyone is actually prepared to be quiet. At these times, everyone is ready to settle into their own activities – giving me a chance to read, browse recipes or just have a hot tea and stare into space. Quiet time is no longer emotionally charged, and I get to participate too.
Add on to errands
We do a lot of errands on weekends. We usually divide and conquer, with one parent taking the kids, and the other rushing through to get back to the family. We’ve started adding a little extra time to the errand run. A coffee shop stop on the way to the grocery store. A chance to walk around a little, before checking multiple to-dos of the list on main street etc. It’s just a little breather – 30 minutes or so, but sometimes that’s all I need to regroup and recharge.
Sneak in an episode of your favourite show
There are times that I just want to watch a show that doesn’t have singing, dancing or talking animals. And I know I’m not alone in that. But staying up way past my bedtime to binge watch isn’t working out for me anymore. Happily, I’ve found sneaking in some Netflix time is easier than I thought. I’m guessing you’re already doing this. In a recent report, Netflix found that 58% of moms admit to sneaking in TV me-time. If you’re not, you’re missing out. Cooking dinner is my sneak-time. I have managed to get though 13 Reasons Why and start my new guilty pleasure, The Fosters. If cooking isn’t the best time for your sneak, not to worry. Moms are doing it all over town. At the gym, waiting for kids in carpool lines and activities and on transit commutes – there’s a lot of sneaky me-time to be had.
Every mom needs a break
Full disclosure: In the past when I caught myself doing something “for me” I felt a stab of selfishness. We all know there’s no guilt like mom guilt. But this past 6 months I’ve so many issues from just stuffing everything I need way down to the bottom of the pile, I’ve started to kick that stab to the curb. I need a little time to regroup every day. And so do you. Whether it’s time to knit, read, soak in a hot bath or catch an episode or 2 or more of your favourite show, we’ve got to sneak in the me-time where you can. We’re all better moms when we do.
As a member of the Netflix #StreamTeam, I do receive complimentary product from #Netflix as part of our ongoing partnership. All opinions are my own.

Melanie from writes about parenting, food, neat stuff and the unexpected beauty in life, all while juggling work, family life and spreading awareness and raising funds for Williams Syndrome.
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