So, the cat is (mostly) out of the bag.
We’re moving.
I feel like I have uttered these words more than any others in the past week. Reactions range from the totally shocked to the nonchalant “oh”. Almost every single person had more questions. Where are we going, what are we doing, why do we want to move, is our house for sale seem to be the favourites.
Do we have the plan altogether and finalized? No.
Yes, I accepted a new job. Yes, we have looked at properties at the other end. Yes, we have a few house items left to do before listing.
We’re taking this one step at a time. The only thing we know for certain is moving comes with a lot of paperwork.
In anticipation of all of this new paperwork, we took the time to shred all the paper we filed (and I use the term loosely) over the past few years. We unearthed gems like the special event rental contract for items from wedding. Almost decade old tax returns (which you don’t have to keep this far back). We purged, shredded and filled the recycling bin up 5 times.
We accumulate a lot of “stuff” in our lives. While I purged not only paperwork, also my desk, children’s toys, games and clothes and other random assortment of items I had some time to think about this. Only one of these items gave me pause about getting rid of it – my Ergo Backpack Carrier.
I’m a little attached to it after carrying and hiking with my children in the mountains for the last four years. I didn’t even have to look very hard to find pictures of myself wearing it – that’s how much I’ve used it. Hands down it was my favourite piece of baby gear. I sold it off the driveaway last Sunday morning. I felt conflicted about selling it. In the end, somehow I felt lighter. (Maybe because I wasn’t carrying anyone?). That “stuff” and the unknowns were dragging me down in a way I didn’t even realize.
What items do you use every day? What items in your house make you smile? What would you take with you if your house was on fire?
Those items are what I’m keeping. The rest of the items, if I don’t want to move it or I haven’t touched it in 6 months (not withstanding seasonal items), I’m purging it.
My husband and I had a massive garage sale last weekend and we continue to add items every day to the sell, donate or fix piles. We feel lighter, less cluttered. We are moving forward.
Last time we moved 5 years ago, we also purged relationships and connections. It wasn’t intentional. The distance proves to be an ultimate litmus test. I truly believe that if someone wants to be in your life, they will be. No excuses, no reasons. We are all busy. I can tell you without a doubt who these true friends are to us.
As for the family, my cousin gave me the sweetest quote after my last post.
Here goes our hard work and risk.

a passionate recreation coordinator by day, crazy farm mama of two by night. i live outdoors: growing my own food, camping and hiking with my border collie with two active kids in tow. when I’m not writing, I’m experimenting with recipes, and crafts – or anything else that might keep the monkeys entertained.
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