End of January New Year Check-In
End of January is a great time for a New Year check-in, and if your January has gone anything like mine? It’s been a doozy.
Four simple changes from this day forward
A loss in the family, huge projects at the day job, the start of the annual appointments for the little miss – all those big plans have kind of gone out the window. But they’re not done for good. That’s the thing about those new year plans. You can refocus and reset all year long. So this weekend I’m trying to live my intention for the year by focusing on four simple changes I’m going to try and implement to keep The Year of Less on track.
1. Less Takeout Lunches
(and more healthy homemade lunches): We make lunch for the kids every day, but I find making my own lunch always lands last on the to-do list…and therefore doesn’t get done. I find when I make prepare simple and delicious meals ahead of time, bringing my lunch is a snap. That’s why I try to break down the process by planning meals, shopping and prepping on the weekend, for both kid lunches and grown up meals, to make quick work of healthy choices during the week. I hope I can get the kids more involved in this, and all the research shows being part of making meals helps kids understand the importance of making healthy decisions.
2. Less Hair Stress
(and more happy, healthy hair): This one is pretty easy. Did you know washing your hair too frequently can strip out natural oils and cause split ends? Thank goodness. Trying to keep up with a daily beauty routine seriously gets in the way of getting my lunch made (see #1.) I’m trying to adjust to a new routine of washing my hair every second or third day to maintain healthy and natural looking locks – with way less morning stress. I absolutely love Batiste™ Dry Shampoo Original, which makes this a do-able option. With thin hair, I rely on it to eliminate that oily, greasy look. I find it makes my hair look clean and gives it extra body (even on the third day). Seriously. No water required.
3. Less dehydration
(and more water every day): The rest of the family seems to do a good job of drinking water, but I struggle with this every day. It falls completely in the “put myself last” camp, and I know it, but I am challenging myself to drink water every morning, noon and night. I’m trying to switch my go-to teas and treat drinks for a large glass of water but it’s an uphill battle. Of course, tomorrow is a new day.
4. Less over-connecting
(and more unplugging and recharging): I am really finding it hard to get a good night sleep every night. Between work, side work, managing the kids schedules and Alma’s appointments and scheduling in meaningful family time, I’m wired. While I understand the importance of a good night’s sleep, I’m not there. Sleep can boost productivity, improve your memory and help maintain a healthy weight. But I just can’t seem to turn off and drift off. I’m working towards turning off the television, computers and smart-phones one hour earlier. So I’ll have to keep you posted on that. The next thing I’m going to try is Vitafusion™ SleepWell. Each SleepWell gummy is made with 2.5 g of Melatonin,a hormone to help increase total sleep time. I’ve had luck using Melatonin in the past, and I think it’s time to make sleep a priority.
There are many new habits…but I’m committed to getting to the end of 2017 having made a dent in my intention to live a year of less. So I can get more of what I need. How’s your New Year check-in? What healthy habits are on your list to for this year?
[1] https://www.bustle.com/article
[2] http://www.health.com/health/g
As part of our 2016 Brand Ambassador partnership with Church & Dwight, we receive monetary compensation, as well as products to review and giveaway. The views and opinions expressed are our own.

Melanie from mommydo.com writes about parenting, food, neat stuff and the unexpected beauty in life, all while juggling work, family life and spreading awareness and raising funds for Williams Syndrome.
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