I recently came across this quote in my travels around Pinterest. There’s only so much you can do when you constantly have a needy baby on your hip and surfing Pinterest in small spurts is one of them. I was having a particularly rough day when I decided to search for quotes for strong moms.
Little J has proven to be more difficult to mother than I ever could have imagined. Miss O was a walk in the park compared to this guy. He is now five months old. He has never come even remotely close to sleeping through the night. In fact, he pretty much hates sleeping. Naps last 30 minutes at most. He’s constantly hungry, waking up every two hours or so all night long to eat. He doesn’t particularly like anyone but me, especially when it comes to trying to get him down to sleep. He rarely poops and after a few days of this, he’s quite obviously in a lot of discomfort and likes to share this discomfort with everyone around him. And he wants to be carried everywhere, all the time, usually refusing to be placed in a carrier. Momma’s hip is the hip place to be apparently.
All of these things have tested my patience to the point of breaking. I am not a patient person by nature and this kid has pretty much trampled on my last nerve. I have recently embarked on the naturopathic route in hopes of helping him feel better and also helping myself to feel better. I owe this to myself in order to be a better mom, wife and woman to everyone in my life.
In the interim, I will be taking a break from writing for The Inspired Home. I need to get myself in a better place before I can be of much use to you, dear internet friends. In my absence, Holly will be filling the gaps and we will also be introducing some fantastic new guest authors. Please bear with us as we go through this temporary phase. I hope to one day reemerge happier, healthier and saner. For now, I will repeat this mantra to myself as many times each day as necessary.
Being a mother is hard.
That is not failure. That is fact. I will remind myself of this.

Andrea can always be found with a new craft in front of her, a form of technology on her right and a coffee on her left. This is how she survives suburbia with her two crazy toddlers in tow.
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