20 Things I Miss from my Pre-Mom Days
- Grocery shopping. Alone.
- Clothes shopping in a store. Alone.
- Loud music of my choosing in my car. Now it’s all Disney Princesses.
- Pooping without distraction or company.
- Clean shirts. And pants. And hair.
- Long, hot showers.
- My sports car.
- Leaving the house with nothing more than my wallet, phone and keys.
- Going out where I want, when I want.
- Spending less than 20 minutes trying to get out the front door.
- Being on time for anything.
- Drinking copious amounts of green beer on St. Patrick’s Day.
- Eating a hot meal in its entirety.
- Swearing freely.
- A messy house because I made it that way, not tiny tornado toddlers.
- Vacations that involve nothing more than sun, sand and booze.
- Two loads of laundry each week: whites & darks.
- Adult conversation.
- Getting all dressed up and leaving the house without vomit/snot/drool on my nice outfit.
- Sleep. I miss sleep the most.
20 Reasons Why I Wouldn’t Trade Being a Mom for Anything Else in the World
- Sticky kisses.
- The mispronunciation of words by toddlers.
- When both my kids nap at the same time.
- Tiny humans who love my singing.
- Colouring. Even adults like to colour but we look silly doing it unless it’s with a kid.
- Going to Disney World. It just seems weird when adults are there alone.
- Teaching a child new things and the sheer wonderment on their faces when they learn something new.
- Excitement over the simple things in life.
- Impromptu dance parties.
- Having a tiny comedian on-hand at all times.
- Any excuse to eat Nutella. And goldfish crackers. Sometimes together.
- Someone to share my love of cat videos with.
- The freedom to wear yoga pants any day of the week.
- The excitement of Santa, the Easter Bunny and the Tooth Fairy.
- Coming up with awesome craft ideas for my kids to do.
- Staying at home with my kids and watching them grow up before my very eyes.
- Watching my parents grow younger as they play with their grandkids.
- Baby giggles. There is no better sound in the world than a baby laughing.
- Snuggles. Having a bad day? There is always a tiny human who wants to snuggle.
- Knowing that no matter how little sleep I get, no matter how haggard I look, my kids just don’t care. All they care about is that mommy is around to love them.

Andrea can always be found with a new craft in front of her, a form of technology on her right and a coffee on her left. This is how she survives suburbia with her two crazy toddlers in tow.
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