DIY Marshall Paw Patrol Costume
The whole Paw Patrol gang and friends are well-known at my house. Each pup, their pup houses, and catch phrases are thrown around generously. Through the power of Netflix, we have seen many episodes and continue to watch them over and over and over…. It’s difficult to narrow down Mr J’s favourite character. He typically bounces between Marshall and Chase as who he loves the best.
Marshall’s costume however was an easy one for us to accomplish because Mr J has been a firefighter for many years running. With a few simple DIY hacks and a couple of props from, this costume is a snap. For added entertainment in making all old things new again, Miss Alison supplied us with a Fire Power Squiring Backpack that made Marshall a lot of fun.
Costume Pieces Needed:
Dalmatian Ears & Tail
Fire Chief Hat
Fire Fighters Costume
Fire Power! Squirting Backpack
Rubber Boots
Eyeliner Pencil
Making Custom Marshall Fire Helmet
Pieces Needed:
–Firefighters Helmet
-Spotted Ear (Dalmatian Ears)
-Hot Glue or Duct Tape
-Sharp Scissors
How To Make It Happen:
Cut the ears off from the headband as close to the headband as you can manage. Tape or glue the ears on the inside of the helmet. That’s it!
Marshall Makeup
Use an eyeliner pencil to draw a nose & whiskers on to your child.
Need some extra help?
If you need a costume, FeeFiFoFun can help, all year long. You can order finished costumes, accessories and props for adults, children, educators and cosplayers. Plus, they’ll source and coordinate supplies or add-ons for those who want to do DIY but need some assistance or inspiration. They include notes or templates to explain steps like how to apply makeup if it’s required so you can anticipate any problems before they happen.

a passionate recreation coordinator by day, crazy farm mama of two by night. i live outdoors: growing my own food, camping and hiking with my border collie with two active kids in tow. when I’m not writing, I’m experimenting with recipes, and crafts – or anything else that might keep the monkeys entertained.
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