If you’ve been following along, you know that I’ve had a tough run with Little J, my baby #2. My first update was when he was 11 weeks old. From there I took a little hiatus from writing here when he was 5 months old.
I took a break and decided to sleep-train my feisty little guy. I will be delving more into that topic in the near future, talking about what worked and what didn’t work for us.
Now that he is 7.5 months old, I thought I’d give you lovely folks a little update on how life is treating us these days.
Little J is on the move. He commando-crawls everywhere. Pretty soon I’m sure he will figure out climbing and then I’m in for it. I joke that he came out holding his head up. He’s the strongest kid I’ve ever seen. He loved tummy time from the start, lifting his head to look at us after only a few short weeks. He was rolling this way and that at only 2 months – I couldn’t believe it. He’s a determined little Leo, just like his mama.
You may recall that he was suffering from extreme constipation and I had plans to take him to see a naturopathic doctor. This proved to be very successful. She suggested probiotics. They made him into a new kid. Sorry to share the graphic details with you but he is back to pooping twice a day. It’s amazing how the simple act of pooping can make someone happier! This was a fantastic first step on our long road to sanity.
Sleep-training was another tool in my bag of tricks that brought a lot of sanity into this house. I never had to sleep-train Miss O so I was really unfamiliar with everything. She just….slept. Little J now takes 3 naps each day (sometimes 2, depends on the day). He’s on a great schedule although it leaves me little time to get things done between naps. I’m really okay with this as he is actually sleeping! Nighttime is still a work in progress but it is getting much, much better. He is in bed around 7 and usually stays that way until around 12-1am when he wakes for a feed. From there he’s usually up again around 4-5am. At that point, I pull him into the bed with me to nurse him and he hangs out there, sleeping until 7 or 8. Co-sleeping isn’t for everyone but it works for us. Plus I like the snuggles. I appreciate those snuggles more now that it’s only a few short hours instead of all night long, attached to my boob every hour. We were spoiled with Miss O – she used to sleep until 10am! I know 7 isn’t exactly “early” but when you’re used to 10am, it is!
I still greatly miss sleeping through the night but I’m thankful for some me-time. I can go to the gym, spend an evening with the girls and I am trying to get a new crafty business off the ground that I previously just didn’t have the time for. He simply adores his daddy now and is no longer attached to my hip. Instead he’s usually commando-crawling to get something he shouldn’t have which keeps me on my toes! Taking time to myself to do things as simple as grocery shop alone means I get to regroup for a little while and then I come home to the biggest smile from my little man which makes it all worth it. For as much as he drains me, he is the happiest little guy and his smile is just the best.
Another perk to him being happier, healthier and sleepier is that I can now focus more time on Miss O. She was seriously lacking in mommy time and it was starting to show. She is also much happier these days spending quality time with a mom who isn’t so tired and angry all the time. Hubby and I even got to take her to Disney On Ice and Toronto Comicon recently, both in the same weekend while grandma babysat Little J. She really enjoyed the one-on-one time. I will also mention that my little geekling enjoyed Comicon more than Disney On Ice!
I’m on the road back to sanity and it feels wonderful. We have a long way to go still with my feisty little guy but I’m happy to report that it does, indeed, get better.
Have hope, mamas. I promise things will change. But just know that you are not alone if you are struggling. I got your back.
Andrea can always be found with a new craft in front of her, a form of technology on her right and a coffee on her left. This is how she survives suburbia with her two crazy toddlers in tow.
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