January is a tough month – it’s got to be the most depressing month of the year. After all the New Year goal setting wears off, we’re left in the cold and the shortest days of the year.
For this outdoor person it is the absolute worst as I go to work in the dark and I come home from work in the dark. My outdoor time has no sunshine whatsoever, and that leads me to spend the least amount of time outdoors. I live for weekends where I can go outside when it is still light out. Without this grounding nature time, and a lack of dirt to stick my hands into – except my few potted plants, I’m grouchy.
It’s a month where we need as much Vitamin D and calcium as we can get. (Calcium helps us absorb vitamin D). So since these bones are getting older, and my sunshine is at an all time low – I’m taking my vitamins instead.
Taking your daily vitamins helps ensure you get the nutrients you need to maintain a healthy active lifestyle. I am currently taking Vitafusion™ Women’s Complete Multivitamins every day to try and make up for the lack of sun and support optimal health.
To sneak in a little extra outdoor time, I’ve been taking the whole family on flashlight walks at night, doing a loop around the farm exploring in the dark. The kids like bundling up with their snowsuits, strapping on headlamps and off we go. There’s something a little eerie, but overall calm and clear about heading outside at night.
What are your tips and tricks to get by January’s blaaaaah?

a passionate recreation coordinator by day, crazy farm mama of two by night. i live outdoors: growing my own food, camping and hiking with my border collie with two active kids in tow. when I’m not writing, I’m experimenting with recipes, and crafts – or anything else that might keep the monkeys entertained.
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