Hols Healthy Habits
You might remember the SMART Resolutions I made for myself back in January. Most experts tell you that you have to work on your routine for 30-60 days before it becomes a habit. So here I am at Month 2 (60 days), to tell you how I have been doing so far.
My first resolution and the one that I have been most focused on so far was this:
Lose Weight
S – I’d like to be about 50lbs lighter than I currently am.
M – I’m using the Weight Watchers Online system (including iPhone app) and a FitBit Force to start, as these tools help me measure my progress, food intake & activity levels.
A – I know this is obtainable because I did the exact same thing in 2007
R – WHY I am doing this: major back pain/no core after 2 C-Sections, tired of feeling sick and tired, I want to set a good example of my children, I want to be a healthy role model.
T – I’d like to achieve this in the next 262 Days (before my brother’s wedding)
Lose Weight Update
Here’s a little progress (and a non-scale victory for me), since December 26, I’m down about 15 lbs out of my goal of 50 lbs. I can see the progress, and I hope you can too.
I was following Weight Watchers with flexible points for December & January, tracking daily step goal of 10K on FitBit with activities (water jogging & walking).
In February, on the advice of my Naturopath – I switched to eating an Elimination Diet (gulp), didn’t track food, but kept up daily step goal & activities.
If you want to see what type of things I like to eat, you can check out my daily bowl (or plate) on Instagram.
5 Common Sense Tips on How to Lose Weight:
Being hydrated just makes your body move, function and feel better. Get guzzling, read up on my 10 Ways to Get More Water.
Track It, Make Yourself Accountable
I work best with my FitBit. It’s a daily snapshot of my day telling me how much I’ve moved (steps) & on the app on my phone I can input my foods giving me a real time calorie count. Other people love paper food journals, other applications or weekly check in’s. Do whatever makes sense for you and hold yourself accountable.
Although I was gluten-free, egg-free to start, by elimination potential allergens I really carved my diet out to what is only healthy. You have to experiment to find what type of diet works for your body (everyone is different). Some athletes run best on vegetarian or vegan diets, other needs certain ratios of macros. Cut out the massive amounts of sugar, caffeine, fast food, or whatever is not making your body feel GREAT!
Learn & Explore
Take out books from the library on different types of cuisines & recipes you can try. Rent a new workout DVD, or take a drop-in class to see if you’re into yoga. Grow your own food. Clean your pantry & add new healthy foods to try. Try to learn and explore all the different options in your community to help your healthy habit goals.
Make It Fun
Grab a buddy who has similar goals & schedule a weekly date to do something active together. FaceTime it up with a friend further away and talk about how your goals went this week. What are your targets for next week? Pick an activity that you LOVE – I love geocaching. I can walk more than 5K in a day on the hunt for a new geocache and I’m engaged and into it the entire time, not just doing it because it’s fitness!
Upcoming is updates also on Saving More & Spending Less and Get More Organized! I can’t wait to share it with you soon.

a passionate recreation coordinator by day, crazy farm mama of two by night. i live outdoors: growing my own food, camping and hiking with my border collie with two active kids in tow. when I’m not writing, I’m experimenting with recipes, and crafts – or anything else that might keep the monkeys entertained.
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