Green Your Spring Cleaning
These funny moments began to happen when I became a parent. I had a little bundle of joy in my hands, and suddenly every decision I made just seemed to get bigger. What I was going to put on little baby to wear, to sleep on, to be carried in became of the utmost importance. I wanted to do the best I could for my child.
It led me down a crazy cloth diapering path, and ultimately, unleashed my inner crunchy mom.
The crunchy mom scene can be a little crazy, so I carefully dip on toe into the various ponds one at a time. The frugal DIY gal in me just couldn’t bring myself to chuck out everything we had been doing, so generally I just phased in better alternatives when we ran out of household products. One of the changes that seemed to make the biggest impact on our health was switching our cleaning products.
There are so many green and so-called green cleaners out there, I wanted to give you a quick tour through a few favourite homemade recipes, and how to check if a pre-made cleaning product is a good choice.
Natural, Homemade Recipes
When in doubt, use vinegar & baking soda. Honestly, you’d be surprised at what that power duo can do!
If you’re more of the type who likes a recipe, here’s a couple to try:
Check on a Pre-Made Cleaning Product
- Get educated on what the ingredients on the label mean. My rule of thumb is, I can’t pronounce it, it’s not for me.
- Brand matters. Look for brands that have been EcoLogo certified, or other third party tested.
- Look it up in the Environmental Working Group’s database.
What greener step has your family taken lately?

a passionate recreation coordinator by day, crazy farm mama of two by night. i live outdoors: growing my own food, camping and hiking with my border collie with two active kids in tow. when I’m not writing, I’m experimenting with recipes, and crafts – or anything else that might keep the monkeys entertained.
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