Golf Gift for Women
Women can be notoriously hard to buy for. Female golfers are even harder! Finding a lovely golf gift for women can be difficult. My mom used be an avid slo-pitch player but since retiring, has taken up golfing. As with everything else she does, she has thrown herself in head-first. I was having a hard time finding just the right gift for her as quite often the pink golfing gear is not the highest of quality. I wanted a gift that was from the heart and featured something from the children as well.
Using a few dollar store items, I enlisted the help of Miss O to make this beautiful golf bouquet. The golf balls are not designed to be used but rather to be treasured by grandma. By placing them into this bouquet, she has something to display year-round which she proudly does on her dining room table.
What You’ll Need
- Plastic cups
- Tissue paper in a variety of colours but ensure you have green
- Straws
- Floral foam block
- Vase or Jar
- Golf balls – the plainer, the better
- Sharpies in a variety of colours
- Tape – double-sided is easiest to work with but Scotch will suffice
- Scissors
Get Crafty
Hand the kids some golf balls and some Sharpies and let them go to town! No one wants Sharpie ink all over the place though so I do recommend laying down a few layers of newspaper on your surface. If it’s a nice day, let them do it while sitting in the grass.
Flower Assembly
While the kids decorate the golf balls, you can start assembling the bouquet. My bouquet has 8 “flowers” so I grabbed 8 plastic cups. You’ll need to punch a hole in the bottom of the cup to insert the straw “stem” – I used scissors and wiggled them in a little bit. You want a tight fit for the straw so it doesn’t slide down. Next, you will need to trim the cups so the golf balls don’t get lost inside. Depending on the size of the cup, you will most likely want to remove the top half. To do this, cut a line straight down from the top of the cup to halfway then cut a circle all the way around.
Take a sheet of tissue paper and fold it in half. Place the cup in the centre of the piece and start folding the tissue all around the cup. Stuff the excess inside the cup – this will become your little nest for the golf balls. Once they are wrapped, insert the straws into the holes in the bottom – don’t worry about putting a hole in the tissue paper, just push it through.
Bouquet Assembly
Trim your floral foam just a bit smaller than your vase or jar. To cover the foam, Place it in the centre of a sheet of green tissue paper and pull up the sides. Slide it into your vase and spread the paper out to expose the top of the foam. Insert your “flowers” into the foam and arrange them nicely. Tuck some of the tissue around the stems to cover the foam, leaving some corners & edges sticking out like leaves. Use your double-sided tape to stick the flowers to one another for support.
Once the golf balls are decorated, pop them into your flowers. If you want to add a little something else in your golf gift for women, you can put a gift certificate for a local golf store or golf course into one of the flowers. Another great little gift is a customized ball marker.
Check out more of our homemade gifts made easy.
We have also rounded up a selection of golf gifts for men.

Andrea can always be found with a new craft in front of her, a form of technology on her right and a coffee on her left. This is how she survives suburbia with her two crazy toddlers in tow.
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