Last weekend, the weather turned to sunny skies, the temperature warmed up enough to have us thinking spring. We debated snowsuits or rainsuits (we went with snow) and trudged out to the barn to start mucking out the chicken coop that we started taking apart in the summer.
The chicken coop is within our barn, and it spans one of the walls, so it is quite long. The previous owners basically left it as it was after they took their chickens with them, so we were left with a well trodden area with many feather, much poop and even an old egg or two. Everything in the coop is either pecked (walls), or falling apart (nest box). In the summer, my husband took it all apart and salvaged the doors to be used on the next design.
Before it can have any new inhabitants, or the space be utilized, we needed to muck it out. I was feeling particularly energetic and got started with my pitch fork and spade on loosening the dirt, hay and muck to scoop into the tractor bucket. This compost has proven to be incredibly useful on our garden in rebuilding the soil.
After a few loads, I started to see the progress. I wasn’t without help, my kids were helping, Doug was driving the tractor back and forth with loads. We got a lot done in one mild afternoon.
The trouble started the next day when I felt like an old woman. My shoulder were stiff, unused to as much physical labour I had done the day before. Trying to keep up with your kids and farm chores isn’t always easy – and is often tougher the next day when those aches and pains set in. Topical pain relievers like RUB·A535™ Extra Strength Heating Cream have you covered. It starts to work on contact and provides fast acting pain relief of muscle and joint pain.
All I could think was Hallelujah, and let’s go finish.

a passionate recreation coordinator by day, crazy farm mama of two by night. i live outdoors: growing my own food, camping and hiking with my border collie with two active kids in tow. when I’m not writing, I’m experimenting with recipes, and crafts – or anything else that might keep the monkeys entertained.
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