Once upon a time, in a land before children, I would get dressed up and go out with my girlfriends on the town. To be clear, this wasn’t my favourite activity. My favourite memories involve times where we had movie marathons, swam in Andrea’s pool, and hung out at Second Cup. Once in a while, I could be coerced, coached and buffed into getting gussied and going out.
My idea of a girls night these days usually involves daring outdoor adventures, or a simple adult conversation that isn’t interrupted by little screams, fingers or poop. I want my time with my besties, to be real, involve little to no effort and allow us to truly connect.
On a recent visit to Vancouver, I had the chance to hang out with my long-time partner in crime, Carolynne aka The Thirsty Tourist. I got to take in her new abode near Vancouver, go on a few daring adventures, and have great conversations over hot chocolate (her) and coffee (me). We had a night after exhausted by our day, we decided to celebrate a girls night in and snuggle up with wine and the classic romantic comedies that we love on Netflix.
Host a Netflix Girls Night In
Load up your two favourite movies on Netflix Canada, and it’s off to the races! Don’t forget your favourite indulgent snacks, a glass of wine, and a blanket for snuggling. If it’s a sappy story, break out the Kleenex, or start a drinking game that you have to take a slurp each time they say a certain word.
Host a Time Swap
We all have incredibly talented friends that do amazing things – in my group alone, we have one talented decorator, a crafty geek, a green thumb and a fitness master! These skills can be put to good use to better everyone, but often we get bogged down with our lives. Get together and organize a time swap – everyone puts an hour of their time on the table, in exchange this 1 hour of volunteering to help others comes around back to them as they get something they need to. You don’t have to have mad skills though – babysitting, teaching tech or even shovelling a driveway can really help. It takes a community.
Host a Board Games Night
Blow the dust off ye old board games and get them happening. Think of M&M as poker chips, or simply try the old classic Hungry, Hungry, Hippo. If you’re feeling really inventive, you can organize Minute to Win It games using household supplies that are sure to be a hoot.
Host an Air Band Jam
Pull out your favourite mixed CD’s from the 90’s and host an air band jam. Prizes for the best costumes & jams. If you need inspiration, check out Jimmy Fallon’s jams, or the show “Lip Synch Battle“.
Host a Classic Tea Party
Grab your kettle and a selection of your favourite teas & crumpets (or maybe baked goods). Curl up in the kitchen and have a chat over a warm cuppa with your girlfriends.
Which one of these are you going to try first?

a passionate recreation coordinator by day, crazy farm mama of two by night. i live outdoors: growing my own food, camping and hiking with my border collie with two active kids in tow. when I’m not writing, I’m experimenting with recipes, and crafts – or anything else that might keep the monkeys entertained.
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