In case you missed the memo, Little J is all about Minions. He lives and breathes Gru and all things yellow. You can check out his birthday party for proof. So it only made sense that he be a Minion for Halloween.
Assembling a Minion costume really could not be any easier. You need 5 things:
- Yellow shirt
- Blue denim overalls
- Gru logo (you’ll need blue & black felt)
- Black Shoes
- Minion hat (see below for options)
I found the shirt and overalls at my local used kids’ clothing store for deep deep discount prices. The yellow shirt is actually a Minion shirt! It will get far more use than just on Halloween. The overalls are the perfect Canadian winter pair – they are lined with plaid fleece! These will also get a lot of use over the winter. The black shoes were easy as he already has a pair of awesome Vans Nintendo runners that are black on the front.
The Gru logo and the Minion hat are where you will need to flex your creative muscles. I lucked out with the hat as my friend loves to crochet. She made this hat for Little J for his birthday. If you are not so lucky, you can craft one very easily with a yellow toque (that’s a winter hat for you non-Canadians). Fold a black pipe cleaner in half and stick each of the pointy ends through the top of the hat and give a little twist to keep in place. This is the Minion hair.
Your local toy store will most likely have Minion goggles available for purchase. While we do have a pair, he is only 2 and doesn’t like to keep them on for long so the hat is a better fit for my little guy. If your kid sounds like mine, you can also purchase a party pack of paper Minion goggles for cheap (my dollar store carries them) and attach them to the hat (sort of like I did with the vases for his Minion party).
The Gru logo is very simple to assemble. I had it done in about 15 minutes. Determine the height of the front pocket on the overalls – mine was 3″. I found the image by searching ‘Gru logo’ on Google Images. Save it to your computer, drop it into a word processing document and edit the image so the height is what you need. Print it out and cut around the circle only to start.
Get a piece of blue felt and staple the logo to it. Cut around the circle. Gently remove the staples and cut the inner G out of the printout. Now staple the outer G to some black felt and cut that out. I used Speed-Sew glue to attach the black part to the top of the blue felt and then more glue to attach to the pocket of the overalls. Any adhesive that works on fabric will do the trick.
And there you have yourself a quick & simple DIY Minion costume!

Andrea can always be found with a new craft in front of her, a form of technology on her right and a coffee on her left. This is how she survives suburbia with her two crazy toddlers in tow.
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