I was never a comic book nerd. I knew the basics of Batman, Superman and Spiderman but it never went beyond that. My husband on the other hand loved comic books, and knows all the in’s and out’s of the back stories that come with the characters.
With so many comic book characters hitting the big screen, and little screen lately, he is my guide.
I challenged myself this month to get out of my comfortable Netflix habits. I like to relax with my choices – shows like Downton Abbey, Vanilla Ice Goes Amish, and Drop Dead Diva. Maybe a little romantic, a little fluffy with a feel-good message. When my husband and I watch together, the genre is very different. We watch shows like Supernatural, House of Cards and White Collar.
My husband was eager to start watching Daredevil on Netflix. I had my reservations.
Daredevil is dark (literally, most of the show seems to be in darkened rooms and alleys). Watching the first episode I was terrified. The blood, the grit, and violence was ingrained. I couldn’t stop watching. The twists and turns, the peoples interactions and subtle hints and connections weaved into the plot are ingenious.
Daredevil is a ninja who beats up bad guys. Matt Murdoch makes you believe that there is still good guys out there – even in Hell’s Kitchen. If you like action, excitement this one is for you.
If you want to score points with your comic book nerd, there’s enough to keep you interested and watching. Charlie Cox is a nice little piece of eye candy in the middle of it all. The pacing can feel on the slower side, until there is a massive spot of action right in the middle of it all.
From the comic nerd in my life – he thinks the show does the comic justice. This interpretation and rewriting is solid.

a passionate recreation coordinator by day, crazy farm mama of two by night. i live outdoors: growing my own food, camping and hiking with my border collie with two active kids in tow. when I’m not writing, I’m experimenting with recipes, and crafts – or anything else that might keep the monkeys entertained.
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