Bubble Play
Bubble play is at the top of my list for outdoor activities when the spring weather hits. It’s fun and it’s an easy way to engage kids of all ages and abilities. In fact, it’s my secret weapon for mornings when there hasn’t been enough sleep, afternoons when the kids are over-scheduled, or those evenings when the day Just Won’t End.
Bubbles bring me a special kind of joy
You see, when my daughter was born, for the first 1.5 years, she couldn’t see bubbles. Vision played a huge part of her early medical assessments. In fact, at about 6 months, doctors believed she was hearing impaired and legally blind. This was only disproven at about 22 months. So I still feel my heart swell every time I see her notice a bubble floating through the air. She may not be quick enough on her feet to catch every one but she tries her hardest and her face lights up every time a new bubble appears.
There’s no wrong way to play bubbles
Bubbles are a toy without rules (except maybe that everyone needs to have a turn popping them). You can sit in a chair and blow them towards the kids while you take a moment for yourself. Or you can run across the yard with the wand streaming behind you. You can blow one bubble at time, or see how many you can get in a single stretch. You can also set up a self-blowing bubble machine and sit back to watch. Sometimes you play the same game over and over, and other times, you make up one new game after another. My kids love to try and hold a bubble in their hands.
Bubbles for everyone
What’s also cool is that you can adapt the play for kids of different ages and abilities. My son is currently using a stick wand on bubbles, trying to use Harry Potter spells to make the bubbles do his bidding. My daughter, on the other hand, is trying to predict where a bubble will come within reach so she can pop it. It’s a work in progress. But it’s work she is very committed to it. Distance from the bubble maker plays a big role in success. Try having bigger kids further from the wand or bubble maker and little kids closer then count who gets more. This may be a bit too close…
The bigger the better
Some people like those tiny little bubbles, but our family is all about the big ones. A giant bubble will elicit whoops and squeals of delight. Giant Gazillion Bubbles allowed us to create the biggest bubbles I’ve ever seen! It’s really quite magical. We’ve had a couple of bubble wands that produce big bubbles before but this seriously upped our game. Our kids are begging to head outside and see if we can make “the biggest bubble in the whole wide world”. I can’t say with certainty that we will achieve this particular bubble glory, but with our Giant Gazillion Bubbles, I think we might get pretty close.
We’ve got oodles of activities for kids – find something new & fun to try!
Has a rainy day got you down? Don’t worry, you can use bubbles indoors with some bubble art!
Disclosure: This post was sponsored by Giant Gazillion Bubbles. Our family received bubbles product samples. All the views and opinions are our own.

Melanie from mommydo.com writes about parenting, food, neat stuff and the unexpected beauty in life, all while juggling work, family life and spreading awareness and raising funds for Williams Syndrome.
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