Breastfeeding Essentials For A New Mom
While pregnant and approaching their due date, most women already know whether or not they plan to give breastfeeding a try. For some women, breastfeeding comes perfectly naturally and with very few struggles. For others, there are many complications and difficulties in the first few weeks and months. One way to help overcome these obstacles is to stock up on the breastfeeding essentials. But what are these essentials? Are they the same for everyone?
Breastfeeding Must-Have for the Glider-side Table
While it will vary a little from mom to mom, these breastfeeding essentials are a great place to start. These work great in a gift basket for a new mom. Or if you yourself are expecting, stock up on these for the nursery glider-side table.
- Water bottle – Staying hydrated is very important when you are breastfeeding. A good quality, easy to clean, reusable water bottle is a must-have for every new mom.
- Tissues – With a multitude of uses from runny noses to little spit ups, tissues should always be on hand.
- Chapstick – Despite drinking all the water she can handle, a new mom may still find herself feeling dehydrated or dried out. Having a nice chapstick is always appreciated.
- Snacks – New moms are often surprised by just how hungry they are because their body uses up so many calories to make breastmilk. Having healthy, filling snacks on hand will come in handy during those middle of the night feedings.
- Breast pads – Whether you choose disposable or reusable breast pads, they are necessary for many women. Some women are lucky to never leak breastmilk but many do. Having a surplus of breast pads on hand for quick & easy changing will make it easy to keep your clothing dry and minimize laundry loads.
- Nipple cream – Both mom & baby are learning how to latch on and nurse properly in the early weeks. Have a good quality nipple cream to sooth sore, cracked nipples. This will make breastfeeding a more pleasant experience for mom.
- Burp cloths or receiving blankets – Babies spit up often and sometimes a lot at a time. I find you can never have enough of these on hand during the early days, weeks, even months.
- Phone charger – This may not be necessary for some moms but it can come in handy. Especially if you are using an app on your phone to track your baby’s feedings, dirty diapers, sleeping, and more.
- Breast pump – New moms will find breast pumps helpful to have for many different reasons.
Why a Breast Pump if you are Breastfeeding?
Mom may want to pump off some milk if baby is having trouble latching due to overly full breasts. She may want to pump to relieve pressure and discomfort. She may want to pump to help clear a clogged duct. Or, a very important option, she may want to pump so her partner, parent, friend or neighbour can offer baby a bottle while mom catches up on some much needed rest.
There are many different options when it comes to breast pumps: from manual to electric, single to double. The choices can be a bit overwhelming to a new mom, especially if she is going to purchase one in the first few days after baby is born. (That was me, 5 days postpartum, after having my first baby. I’ve learned a thing or two since then.) The prices also vary significantly, which can make it difficult to narrow down which pump is the right purchase for mom and her needs.
Which Pump is for You?
A really great option for a new mom who plans to pump only occasionally, is the Philips Avent Comfort Manual Breast Pump. This handheld, manual pump allows mom to pump anywhere, at any time. Since it is a manual pump, there is no worry about batteries or finding an electrical outlet. The Comfort design allows mom to sit back in a comfortable position while pumping. A more comfortable position for mom allows her to relax, and in turn have more successful pumping sessions. The soft massage cushion of the pump also works to gently stimulate natural let down and milk flow.
The design of the Philips Avent Comfort Manual Breast Pump is such that there are minimal parts, which are easy to clean and reassemble. This is key when you are a busy mom with one or two or three kids to care for. Mom can easily combine breastfeeding and bottle feeding since the pump is compatible with other Philips Avent bottles and cups, including the Natural nipple designed for a natural latch.
Many Philips Avent products have won the Parent Tested Parent Approved Seal of Approval. This can put a new parent’s mind at ease knowing these products have been put in the hands of other real life parents to test out, use, and review.
Why I Love the Avent Comfort Manual Breast Pump!
With my 3rd baby on the way, this pump is a perfect fit for me. I have been lucky that I was able to breastfeed my first two babies. I plan to breastfeed this next one as well. For me, pumping is occasional. Sometimes it is for relief from pain, sometimes it is because baby has a lazy feed and I want to ensure supply doesn’t dip. Since I only pump once in a while, and usually only one side at a time, a manual pump is great for me.
Using a manual pump allows me to get up and move around freely while pumping. This is important when caring for and helping my two other children in addition to the baby. A manual pump allows me to pump anywhere at anytime. I can be running errands, at a friends house for a playdate, or up in the middle of the night. I just have to remember to toss the pump in my bag before leaving the house and I’m all set to pump on the go.
For the Glider & Around the Room
A few other essentials to have to ensure a comfy, cozy breastfeeding experience
- Breastfeeding pillow – Supports baby and allows mom to sit back in a comfortable position. A breastfeeding pillow that suits mom and her chair makes breastfeeding much more enjoyable.
- Big cozy blanket – Important to keep mom and baby warm during those middle of the night marathon breastfeeding sessions. When mom is tired she will get cold easily, so a big blanket is a nice comforting item to have close by.
- Wall clock – So mom can keep an eye on the time without lighting up the room with her phone.
- Nightlight – To keep the room dark enough, while still being able to see baby and maneuver around the room in the middle of the night.
Disclosure: I am part of the PTPA Brand Ambassador Program with Philips Avent and I received Compensation as part of my affiliation with this group. The opinions on this blog are my own.

I am a busy mom to 3 kids, so my days are typically filled with tea parties & story books, singing & dancing, crafts (for as long as a 3yo’s attention span will allow) & cuddles. All the while trying to keep up with laundry & cleaning & meals (we have PB&J sandwiches for dinner more often than I’ll ever admit). The days (& weeks, & months) seem to speed past so I try to soak up as much as I can each day.
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