One of my Facebook friends posted today about whether or not she should start a blog. The related responses about what type of people bloggers are in her friends’ opinions saddened me. According to them, we are a nerdy, narcissistic, self-involved lot. What a load of blogger stereotypes that is!
I don’t buy into that. Today, the blogging world is littered with diverse opinions, and people who I wouldn’t mind sharing a campfire with. There is a wealth of knowledge, an amazing entrepreneurial spirit and support for one another.
If I could tell my Facebook friend just one thing, I would tell her….
Your voice is valuable
Everyone has a topic they are passionate about. I will get into your face about getting outdoors, citing study after study about WHY recreation is important. WHY kids need these experience and WHY families need to get moving together. My view on that from where I sit is going to be different, even from other bloggers who share my passion for the outdoors.
I bet you have that soul deep passion for a topic too. It doesn’t matter what it is – it can be from chickens, to trying stuff out, to blowing things up in the kitchen like a mad scientist.
Find your passion. Write about what interests you. Be uniquely you.
If you love what you do, you’ll never work another day in your life
When we first talked about The Inspired Home, Andrea said, “I want a website where I can share my crafts and other ideas with our friends.” That was it. That’s what we wanted to do. She wanted me to join her with my skills in other areas to compliment together.
We want to share what we’ve discovered – usually through the hard way or long way around. Those little moments of triumph, others of defeat that may help another person not feel so alone is the only goal. I don’t think that’s narcissistic. I think that’s wanting to feel you’re apart of a community that cares.
We all need that. We all need that community to raise a child, feel connected and supported when times get rough.
Okay maybe bloggers are a little nerdy. I will give you that one. After all, our whole story started with me kicking my computer, and spawned into a friendship that’s lasted almost 15 years now. If being nerdy is wrong, I don’t want to be right.
What blogger stereotype drives you nuts?

a passionate recreation coordinator by day, crazy farm mama of two by night. i live outdoors: growing my own food, camping and hiking with my border collie with two active kids in tow. when I’m not writing, I’m experimenting with recipes, and crafts – or anything else that might keep the monkeys entertained.
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