I watch a lot of shows of Netflix. It’s just that the majority of them come from the children’s area.
I feel like many of the shows today as a parent are painful to watch. My husband has gleefully broken down the plot to Dora – forest, bridge, and then the place they are going. There are only so many times that one can sing backpack, or have her stare at you painfully waiting for the answer that – let’s face it – just is not going to come. And honestly, let’s face it – when your men’s hockey team breaks into the Bubble Guppies theme song, it’s time to find some new favourites.
Oh, and to be clear, what I mean by “shows that don’t suck”, is “shows that won’t make you want to gouge your eyeballs out if you watch with your kids”, or “shows that won’t give you a song that is an ear worm for the next 300 hours”. So if you don’t have time to weed out the shows that will make your kids whine like crazy (here’s looking at you Calliou), try these ones.
5 Kids’ TV Shows on Netflix That Don’t Suck
Half dinosaur, half trucks are a pleasure to watch. Ty, Tonne Tonne, Skya and Dozer are living prehistorically and working together to solve problems as a team. Both of my kids (age 2 & 4) are totally engrossed in this series, and can’t wait for the next season to be released.
Transformers: Rescue Bots
Both my husband and I used to watch Transformers as kids, so we enjoy this one. 4 bots got sent to Earth and now they are learning and helping humans as per Optimus Prime. It’s a neat spin off of the original show. The bots transform into a fire truck, bulldozer, helicopter and police car and work with the Burns family to provide emergency services on Griffin Rock.
Puffin Rock
We’ve just started watching this one. I’m really appreciating the graphics. The shows is set on a fictional island on the coast of Ireland and follows a puffin and her brother as they explore the world.
Super Why
This is a show that was originally on PBS; it’s aim is clearly early learning and literacy. Each show, one of the characters has a real life problem usually related to sharing or a plausible situation that could happen to anyone. The main characters solve it by jumping in a book and finding super letters. Although I wish the show was slightly shorter than it is, I think it’s a great one for learning alphabets and sounding out words.
Comment below & tell us what other shows you are enjoying so we can add them to our List!

a passionate recreation coordinator by day, crazy farm mama of two by night. i live outdoors: growing my own food, camping and hiking with my border collie with two active kids in tow. when I’m not writing, I’m experimenting with recipes, and crafts – or anything else that might keep the monkeys entertained.
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