25 Uses for Toilet Paper Rolls
One of the common New Year’s Resolutions is to organize your home. Using something as simple as a toilet paper roll, you can organize so many areas of your home. Check out this list of 25 uses for toilet paper rolls and let us know if you’ve tried any of them or if you have some to add to the list!
- Organize cords such as extension cords or on small appliances such as hair dryers or hand-held blenders. Simply fold them up and tuck inside the tube. Decorate or label them if you like!
- Cut lengthwise and use as a cuff around wrapping paper to keep it from unrolling.
- Fill a basket or box with them and use to organize things like pens, pencils, markers etc.
- Fold and use as pillow boxes for gift-giving; great for gift cards.
- Wrap your hair elastics around them to keep them organized in the drawer in your bathroom.
- Keep your kid’s masterpieces safe – roll them up and tuck into a tube.
- Make an advent calendar – cover one end with tissue paper with the date stamped on and stack them all up in a box like a calendar and hang on the wall. Your kids can punch through the tissue each day to find a small prize or treat inside.
- Line a box or basket to organize your various scissors in your craft room. Decorate the tubes and the box in pretty paper.
- Fire starters – fill with dryer lint and you have the perfect fire starter. It will even smell good courtesy of the dryer lint! Make sure the lint is a result of cotton clothing and not synthetic fabrics like polyester.
- As a pet toy for your gerbil, hamster or rabbit. They enjoy chewing on the paper tubes.
- Use as a circle stamp when crafting. Simply dip the end in your paint and stamp a circle onto the paper. Makes a round yet slightly imperfect design, especially if you wiggle it around a little bit on the paper.
- Use as a heart stamp. Push one end down for the top of the heart and form the bottom into a point.
- Turn it into a speaker. Cut a rectangle big enough to slide your phone in and make “feet” for the stand by pushing in thumbtacks.
- Fill a box or basket and hold all of your paint brushes.
- Plant your seedlings in them. They allow room for the roots to grow and keeps them separated. You can plant the whole tube in the ground which will save a lot of time and effort.
- Take a bunch of tubes, paint them white, string them together and give them to your kid to wear like a judge for a history project in school.
- Cut eyes into them, put a glow stick inside and place in your garden on Halloween to make it look like things are living in the bushes.
- In your craft room use it as a spool to pin stray ribbon pieces around to store them and keep them organized.
- Smear with peanut butter, roll it in birdseed and hang outside as a bird feeder.
- Wrap large bubble wrap around a tube and let kids use it as a paint roller.
- Decorate with pretty paper or washi tape, cut in half and use them as festive napkin rings.
- Organize and protect your pantyhose in a drawer. Simply tuck each pair into their own tube.
- Stick some plastic bags inside a tube and toss it in your car. It’s always a good idea to have some plastic bags on hand in case of car sick children, garbage, stinky diapers or extra poop bags for your dog.
- Get rid of them naturally by putting the rolls in with your compost.
- Collect a big bag of them and donate them to a local preschool or elementary school for arts & crafts.

Andrea can always be found with a new craft in front of her, a form of technology on her right and a coffee on her left. This is how she survives suburbia with her two crazy toddlers in tow.
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